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Number and Operations
• Understand the meaning and use of exponents
• Understand the associative property of addition and multiplication
• Extend understanding of whole number operations to fractions, decimals, percents and mixed numbers
• Understand and apply divisibility rules
• Round decimals to the nearest thousandths
• Understand the concepts of ratio, percent and percentage
• Compare and order improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimal fractions to thousandths
• Develop meaning for integers and use integers to represent and compare quantities
• Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers
• Give the prime factorization of a number
• Use factor trees to give the prime factorization of a number
• Convert fractions to decimals to percents and vice versa
• Convert fractions to terminating, repeating or rounded decimals
• Solve proportions with an unknown
• Understand and use mathematical vocabulary appropriately
• Write a remainder as a fraction or decimal
• Find the percent of a number
• Find the percent one number is of another and find the original number when the percent is given
• Use percents to determine sales tax, commission, discount and simple interest

• Write, solve and graph linear equations
• Use two-step operations to solve linear equations
• Write and solve inequalities
• Infer and use a rule to determine a missing number
• Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary and properties
• Compare integers on a number line

• Define and use appropriate geometrical vocabulary
• Use strategies to develop formulas in determining perimeter/area of triangles, rectangles/parallelograms, volume of rectangular prisms
• Find the area of parallelograms and triangles
• Find the circumference and area of circles
• Find the volume and surface area of prisms
• Classify triangles according to the angles and sides
• Understand parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines
• Measure an angle using a protractor
• Draw similar figures that model proportional relations
• Explore fractal patterns
• Do geometric construction, e.g. bisect a segment

• Describe how perimeter, area and volume are affected when dimensions of a figure are changed
• Use strategies to develop formulas for finding circumference and area of circles, and area of sectors
• Estimate length, area, volume, perimeter, circumference, area of a circle, various shapes and surfaces using everyday objects
• Make conversions within the same measurement system while performing computations
• Use indirect measurement i.e., similar triangles, to solve problems

Data Analysis and Probability
• Calculate the probability of independent and dependent events
• Construct a multiple line graph
• Make logical inferences from statistical data
• Calculate the odds
• Design an experiment to test a theoretical probability and explain how the results may vary
• Construct a scatter plot
• Make organized lists and tree diagrams



Christ – Our Life: His Teaching, Death, Resurrection and the Early Church
• Identify the Bible as God’s way of communicating to humanity
• Demonstrate how to use aides for greater understanding when studying the Bible
• Understand that God is omnipotent, omniscient and infinite, yet is affected by your response to Him
• Explain the relationship of God, heaven and the angels to Jesus and His life on earth
• Know what the great controversy is and how the plan of salvation relates to it
• Know the gospel story and why it is important to accept Jesus as Savior and model one’s life after His
• Understand importance of baptism, becoming a part of God’s family
• Explain the mission of the church and the importance of using one’s spiritual gifts to share the Gospel with all people
• Understand the early development of the Christian

Social Studies

History: World History from ancient times through Early Greek
and Roman civilizations
• Compare and contrast the beginnings of civilization
• Describe the achievements of ancient Egypt
• Discuss the movements of Hebrew peoples
• Identify how the beliefs of Judaism set the stage for Christ’s life
• Explain the importance of early trade routes
• Describe developments of the Tang and Song Dynasties in China
• Trace voyages resulting in colonization in Asia and SW Pacific
• Study role of Greece and Medo-Persia in relationship to Daniel 7
• Trace the rise of Alexander the Great

Civics and Government
• Trace the forms of government in ancient Greece
• Outline the founding of the Persian Empire
• Identify governments in Africa, Asia, and SW Pacific
• Define, compare the citizen’s role in Africa, Asia, and SW Pacific

• Explain the components and use of maps
• Locate and label all the world’s continents
• Explain reasons for locations of eastern hemisphere major cities
• Identify climate regions of the eastern hemisphere
• Explain caring of natural resources

• Trace the relationship between agriculture and emergence of cities
• Describe how environment contributes to how people make a living

Individuals, Society, and Culture
• Understand the importance of developing a personal relationship with Christ
• Recognize the influence of peer relationships
• Understand how one’s values and attitudes influence our choices
• Identify how various groups grow to form and affect a society
• Understand cultures change by technology and migration of people
• Compare Adventist beliefs with eastern religions and philosophies
• Examine Seventh-day Adventist global outreach

Physical Education


Spiritual Emphasis
• Recognize that God’s ideal for quality living includes a health lifestyle
• Incorporate into one’s lifestyle the principles that promote health: nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, trust in God
• Avoid at-risk behaviors
• Apply Christian principles in recreation and sports
• Achieve a balance in work and leisure; balancing physical, mental, social and spiritual activities
• Recognize the interaction of physical, mental and spiritual health with emotional and social well-being

Movement and Motor Skills
• Demonstrate mature form for all basic manipulative, locomotor and non-locomotor skills
• Demonstrate increasing competence in more advanced skills
• Adapt and combine skills to the demands of increasingly complex situations of selected movement forms
• Demonstrate beginning strategies for net and invasion games
• Apply previously learned knowledge to improve performance
• Apply information from a variety of internal and external sources to improve performance
• Identify and apply principles of practice and conditioning that enhance performance
• Recognize sport specific movement patterns applied to games
• Understand terms that describe basic movement
• Use basic offensive/defensive strategies in non-complex settings

Lifestyle and Fitness
• Identify opportunities in the school and community for regular participation in physical activity
• Participate daily in some form of health-enhancing physical activity
• Discover personal interests and capabilities in regard to one’s exercise behavior
• Identify the critical aspects of a healthy lifestyle
• Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity in a variety of settings
• Monitor intensity of exercise

Understand the reason for proper cool-down/warm-up techniques
• Experience enjoyment from participation in physical activities
• Begin to develop a strategy for the improvement of selected fitness components
• Work somewhat independently with minimal supervision in pursuit of personal fitness goals
• Meet the health-related fitness standards as defined by a standard physical fitness test, e.g. AAHPERD Physical Best, Fitnessgram, President’s Challenge
• Recognize physical activity as a positive opportunity for social and group interaction
• Use physical activity to express feelings and relieve stress
• Seek personally challenging experiences

Sportsmanship and Appropriate Behaviors
• Participate in establishing rules, procedures and etiquette that are safe and effective for specific activity situations
• Work cooperatively and productively in a group to accomplish a set goal in cooperative and competitive activities
• Make conscious Christ-like decisions about applying rules, procedures and etiquette
• Utilize time effectively to complete assigned tasks
• Acknowledge differences in the behaviors of people of different gender, culture, ethnicity, development and disability
• Cooperate with disabled peers and those of different gender, race, ethnicity and religion
• Work cooperatively with both more and less skilled peers


Life: Cells, Human Body
• Describe and explain the structure and functions of the human body in terms of cells, tissues and organs
• Identify/describe development and function of the cell and its parts
• Identify common characteristics of cells
• Explain the function of the nucleus
• Distinguish between chromosomes, genes, DA, and their structure
• Identify the major skeletal, muscular, and integumentary systems
• Identify the parts and function of the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems
• Describe differences among atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds
• Understand the function of the five senses

Health: Human Body, Nutrition, Safety/First Aid, Natural Disasters
• Identify and describe the parts of the digestive system
• Identify and explain the importance of the excretory system
• Identify and describe the importance of basic nutrients
• Explain healthy eating practices based on the national food pyramid
• Identify nutritional goals based on national dietary guidelines
• Define eating disorders, explain how they adversely affect health
• Explain the appropriate first aid procedures to follow in case of emergencies
• Identify common safety hazards and ways to prevent injuries/accidents
• Identify safety procedures for common natural disasters

Physical: Magnetism, Electricity
• Identify characteristics of magnets and what causes magnetism
• Describe the relationship between electricity and magnetism
• Identify uses of electromagnets
• Compare and describe static and current electricity
• Identify the difference between conductors and insulators
• Describe electrical safety precautions, conservation procedures, and simple electrical transformation devices
• Identify and explain types of circuits, batteries, and simple electronic devices

Earth: Geology
• Describe Earth’s structure and features
• Explain how Earth has changed over time (e.g., erosion, weathering, earthquakes)
• Explore and interpret evidences for the Genesis Flood and the Ice Age
• Describe how earthquakes are caused, volcanoes are formed, and land features created through the use of plate tectonics
• Describe the processes by which rocks and soils are formed
• Identify common rocks and minerals
• Identify and describe features of erosion and weathering

Scientific Inquiry: May be included in each unit of study
• Make observations
• Ask questions or form hypotheses based on these observations
• Plan a simple investigation
• Collect data from the investigation
• Use the data collected from the investigation to explain the results
• Safely use and store tools and equipment

Service/Career Options
• Explore ways to use Physical, Life, Health, and/or Earth Science to serve the community
• Identify careers in areas of science

Fine Arts

Select media, techniques and processes; analyze what makes them effective/not effective; identify the effectiveness of choices
• Employ organizational structures and analyze their effectiveness in the communication of ideas
• Use subjects, themes and symbols that demonstrate knowledge of contexts, values and aesthetics
• Describe and place various art objects in historical/cultural context
• Analyze, describe, demonstrate how factors of time/place influence visual characteristics that give meaning and value to a work of art
• Describe and compare a variety of individual responses to their own artworks and to artworks from various eras and cultures
• Describe ways in which the principles and subject matter of other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated with the visual arts

• Recognize and write the C major scale
• Recognize the sound of a major scale
• Sight-read a simple song
• Identify and sing cadence
• Demonstrate and use first and second endings
• Identify canon form (liturgy)
• Know symbols and meanings for fermata and tenuto
• Compare tone qualities of orchestral music from different cultures
• Identify and sing early Advent hymns

Language Arts

Extended Reading and Writing
• Use the writing process
• Write expository papers
• Recognize and read grade-appropriate sight words
• Organize final drafts logically
• Write from an outline
• Edit spelling, grammar, and punctuation
• Write sentences, paragraphs, poetry, and stories
• Write using a variety of genres

Comprehending, Studying, and Evaluating Ideas
• Sequence events in pictures, notes, timelines, charts, paragraphs
• Write paragraphs with main ideas and details
• Develop main idea outlines using number notes with topics/ details
• Create and experiment with visual media
• Evaluate by opinion-proof notes and persuasive paragraphs
• Analyze story elements
• Use graphic organizers
• Write summaries
• Determine meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases by using context clues or resource materials
• Develop two-column notes and charts
• Develop discriminatory skills
• Understand similes and metaphors
• Synthesize information from multiple, reliable resources

Reference Skills
• Use library references and resources
• Express solutions to the nearest unit

Word Study
• Read, spell, and write multi-syllabic words
• Correctly spell grape-appropriate words
• Read, spell, write, define suffixes and words from other cultures
• Read, spell, write and define easily confused words

Sentence Skills
• Identify and write different kinds of sentences
• Edit for punctuation and usage
• Recognize and use possessive nouns
• Identify and use verbs, adverbs, prep. phrases, adjective phrases
• Recognize and write sentences with natural, interrupted, and invented order



• Demonstrate proper use/care of computers, input/output devices
• Learn to troubleshoot for basic malfunctions
• Practice keyboarding, using correct hand position and posture
• Use word processing, editing and file management skills
• Begin using presentation software
• Use electronic resources to enhance and access information
• Know proper technology terms
• Understand consumer issues regarding technology
• Investigate technology-related occupations
• Use courtesy while sharing computer time
• Become aware of legal issues when using software
• Identify computer abuse including use of Internet

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